Presenting The Bhangra Box: an interactive video utilizing computational media and physical computing where you, the player, get to control live-action shot Bhangra dancers!
You create your own piece by deciding when the bhangra artists individually dance, and both increase / decrease their speed to the music via pushing arcade buttons on a box console.
Created with with p5.js, Arduino, and live-action shot video.
This film is a love letter dedicated to those with disabilities that fight to achieve their dreams despite the obstacles, and to their supporting family and friends that are alongside them on their journey every step of the way.
My hope is it can inspire other budding creators with disabilities to share their voice as well.
Official Selection and Winner at the 2016 Creation International Film Festival
Official Selection for the 2017 Vancouver Filmdance Festival
Official Selection for the 2017 United Nations' We Care Film Festival
Official Selection for the 2018 Toronto International Independent Film Festival
Official Selection for the 2017 Garden City International Film Festival
Official Selection for the 2017 Cyprus International Film Festival
Official Selection for the 2017 Madrid Art Film Festival
Official Selection for the 2017 Beijing International Film Festival
Official Selection for the 2017 Vancouver International South Asian Film Festival
Official Selection for the 2017 Auckland International Film Festival
Official Selection for the 2017 Kalmthout Belgium International Short Film Festival
Official Selection for the 2017 Washington Film Festival
Official Selection at the 2016 Equality Festival